I have recently updated my game theory research page with a new addition written with Subhadip Chakrabarti and Lina Mallozzi. This research note introduces a generalisation of the 𝜆-Core solution for non-cooperative games in normal form. Our results demonstrate that this generalised 𝜆-Core is non-empty for separable games that possess a socially optimal Nash equilibrium….
Category: Game theory
Research update: Gately values
Recently, I stumbled into research on a solution concept for cooperative games that was completely unknown to me: The Gately Value. This solution concept was introduced by Gately (1974) for a particular limited set of cost problems. These cost problems can be transcribed as cooperative games and Gately proposed an innovative solution method to allocate…
Surveying the literature on network formation under mutual consent
I just posted a survey on game-theoretic methods of understanding network formation under the hypothesis of mutual consent in link formation. The introduction of consent in link formation imposes a coordination problem in the network formation process. This survey explores the conclusions from this theory and the various methodologies to avoid the main pitfalls.The main…
New paper on partial cooperation
I just added a new working paper on partial cooperation in non-cooperative games on the economic theory page. It addresses how to consider a group of decision makers to coordinate certain strategic actions, while all other actions remain purely non-cooperative. The paper generalises the existing contributions to this partial cooperation problem to include more complex…
Game theory can only get Greece so far in its fight with Germany
A second article in The Conversation addresses how game theory can help us understand the plight of Greece in its relationship with the European Union.