I just posted a survey on game-theoretic methods of understanding network formation under the hypothesis of mutual consent in link formation. The introduction of consent in link formation imposes a coordination problem in the network formation process. This survey explores the conclusions from this theory and the various methodologies to avoid the main pitfalls.The main…

Two volume book on the social division of labour is now published
Both volumes are now published with Palgrave-Macmillan.
How institutions undermine the economy
An interesting article was published today on The Conversation web site about the role of corporate law in the demise of BHS, a British retail corporation that was deliberated bankrupted by its main shareholder and director, Philip Green. All in all, it is a horrendous case of how corporate law facilitates the undermining of economic wealth generation…
Understanding the role of institutions in the economy: A mathematical approach
Over the past couple of decades it has become more and more recognised in economics that socio-economic institutions are essential for the functioning of the economy. This research has emanated from the seminal work of Douglas North in his study of various economic systems throughout economic history and of Ronald Coase in the understanding of…
New paper on partial cooperation
I just added a new working paper on partial cooperation in non-cooperative games on the economic theory page. It addresses how to consider a group of decision makers to coordinate certain strategic actions, while all other actions remain purely non-cooperative. The paper generalises the existing contributions to this partial cooperation problem to include more complex…
Game theory can only get Greece so far in its fight with Germany
A second article in The Conversation addresses how game theory can help us understand the plight of Greece in its relationship with the European Union.