- Gilles, R.P. (2019), Economic Wealth Creation and the Social Division of Labour: II – Network Economies, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, ISBN 978-3-030-04425-1.
- Gilles, R.P. (2018), Economic Wealth Creation and the Social Division of Labour: I –Institutions and Trust, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, ISBN 978-3-319-76397-2.
- Gilles, R.P. (2010), The Cooperative Game Theory of Networks and Hierarchies, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, ISBN 978-3-642-05281-1.
- Brink, R. van den, and R.P. Gilles, editors (2003), Wiskundig Economische Perspectieven: Opstellen Aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. P.H.M. Ruys, Tilburg University Press, Tilburg, ISBN 90-9016923-7. (In Dutch.)
- Gilles, R.P. (1996), Economic Exchange and Social Organization: The Edgeworthian Foundations of General Equilibrium Theory, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, ISBN 978-1-4613-1285-7.
- Gilles, R.P., and P.H.M. Ruys, editors (1994), Imperfections and Behavior in Economic Organizations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, ISBN 978-94-011-1370-0.
Peer reviewed journal publications
- Taborsky, M., J.H. Fewell, R. Gilles and B. Taborsky (2025), “Division of labour as key driver of social evolution“, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 380: 20230261.
- Gilles, R.P., and L. Mallozzi (2024), “Gately Values of Cooperative Games“, Economic Theory, forthcoming.
- Chakrabarti, S., L. Gogoi, R.P. Gilles, S. Borkotokey and R. Kumar (2024), “Expected values for variable network games”, The Annals of Operations Research, SING16 issue, 336, 2061–2089.
- Gilles, R.P., and L. Mallozzi (2023), “Game Theoretic Foundations of the Gately Power Measure for Directed Networks“, Games, 14, issue 5, 64.
- Gilles, R.P., L. Mallozzi and R. Messalli (2023), “Emergent Collaboration in Social Purpose Games“, Dynamic Games and Applications, 15, 566-588.
- Borkotokey, S., S. Chakrabarti, R.P. Gilles, L. Gogoi and R. Kumar (2021), “Probabilistic Network Values”, Mathematical Social Sciences, 113, 169-180.
- Basile, A., R.P. Gilles, M.G. Graziano and M. Pesce (2021), “The Core of Economies with Collective Goods and a Social Division of Labor“, Economic Theory, 71, 1085-1119.
- Chakrabarti, S.,R.P. Gilles and E.Lazarova (2021), “Stability of Cartels in Multi-market Cournot Oligopolies”, The Manchester School, 89(1), 70-85.
- Gilles, R.P., M. Pesce and D. Diamantaras (2020), “The Provision of Collective Goods through a Social Division of Labour”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 178, 287-312.
- Gilles, R.P. (2019), “Market Economies with an Endogenous Social Division of Labour“, The International Economic Review, 60(2), 821–849.
- Chakrabarti, S., R.P. Gilles and E. Lazarova (2018), “Partial Cooperation in Strategic Decision Situations”, Theory and Decision, 85, 455–478.
- Gilles, R.P. (2017), “Comments on: Games with a permission structure — A survey on generalizations and applications“, TOP, 25(1), 34-38.
- Gilles, R.P., E. Lazarova and P.H.M. Ruys (2015), “Stability in a Network Economy: The Role of Institutions”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 119, 375–399.
- R.P. Gilles, S. Chakrabarti and S. Sarangi (2012), “Nash equilibria of network formation games under consent“, Mathematical Social Sciences, 64(2), 159–165.
- Diamantaras, D., and R.P. Gilles (2011), “Ambiguity, Social Opinion and the Use of Common Property Resources“, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 80(1), 210-222.
- Chakrabarti, S., R.P. Gilles and E. Lazarova (2011), “Strategic Behavior under Partial Cooperation“, Theory and Decision, 71(2), 175-193.
- Gilles, R.P., and S. Sarangi (2010), “Network Formation under Mutual Consent and Costly Communication“, Mathematical Social Sciences, 60 (3), 181-185.
- Gilles, R.P., T. James, R. Barkhi and D. Diamantaras (2009), “Simulating Social Network Formation: A Case-Based Decision Theoretic Model”, International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking, 1(4), 1–20.
- Brink, R. van den, and R.P. Gilles (2009), “The Outflow Ranking Method for Weighted Directed Graphs“, European Journal of Operational Research, 193, 484–491.
- Komali, R., A.B. Mackenzie and R.P. Gilles (2008), “Effect of Selfish Node Behavior on Efficient Topology Design“, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 7(9), 1057-1070.
- Chakrabarti, S., and R.P. Gilles (2007), “Network Potentials“, Review of Economic Design, 11(1), 13-52.
- Gilles, R.P., E.A. Lazarova and P.H.M. Ruys (2007), “Stability, Specialization and Social Recognition“, Division of Labour and Transaction Costs, 2(2), 83-109.
- Gilles, R.P., S. Chakrabarti, S. Sarangi and N. Badasyan (2006), “Critical Agents in Networks“, Mathematical Social Sciences, 52, 302-310.
- Srivastava, V., J. Neel, J. Hicks, A. Mackenzie, K. Lau, L. Da Silva, J.H. Reed, and R.P. Gilles (2005), “Using Game Theory to Analyze Wireless Ad Hoc Networks“, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 7(4), 46-56.
- Gilles, R.P., and D. Diamantaras (2005), “New Classical Economics: Toward a new paradigm for economics?“, Division of Labor and Transaction Costs, 1, 35-56.
- Raa, T. ten, and R.P. Gilles (2005), “Lindahl Equilibrium and Schweizer’s Open Club Model with Semi-Public Goods“, Mathematical Social Sciences, 49, 295-307.
- Slikker, M., R.P. Gilles, H. Norde and S. Tijs (2005), “Directed Networks, Payoff Properties, and Hierarchy Formation“, Mathematical Social Sciences, 49, 55-80.
- Diamantaras, D., and R.P. Gilles (2004), “On the Microeconomics of Specialization“, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 55, 223-236.
- Gilles, R.P., D. Diamantaras and P.H.M. Ruys (2003), “Optimal Design of Trade Institutions“, Review of Economic Design, 8, 269-292.
- Brink, R. van den, and R.P. Gilles (2003), “Ranking by Outdegree for Directed Graphs“, Discrete Mathematics, 271, 261-270.
- Gilles, R.P., and D. Diamantaras (2003), “To Trade or Not to Trade: Economies with a Variable Number of Tradeables“, International Economic Review, 44, 1173-1204.
- Johnson, C., and R.P. Gilles (2000), “Spatial Social Networks“, Review of Economic Design, 5, 273-299.
- Brink, R. van den, and R.P. Gilles (2000), “Measuring Domination in Directed Networks“, Social Networks, 22, 141-157.
- Gilles, R.P., and K. Hahn (1999), “Economies with Multiple Public Projects“, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 1, 377-393.
- Hahn, K., and R.P. Gilles (1998), “Efficient Egalitarian-Equivalence and the Core of an Economy with Public Projects“, Economics Letters, 60, 173-178.
- Gilles, R.P., H. Haller and P.H.M. Ruys (1998), “Semi-Core Equivalence“, Economic Theory, 11, 101-127.
- Gilles, R.P., and D. Diamantaras (1998), “Linear Cost Sharing in Economies with Non-Samuelsonian Public Goods: Core Equivalence“, Social Choice and Welfare, 15, 121-139.
- Gilles, R.P., and S. Scotchmer (1997), “Decentralization in Replicated Club Economies with Multiple Private Goods“, Journal of Economic Theory, 72, 363-387.
- Diamantaras, D., and R.P. Gilles (1996), “The Pure Theory of Public Goods: Efficiency, Decentralization, and the Core“, International Economic Review, 37, 851-860.
- Diamantaras, D., R.P. Gilles and S. Scotchmer (1996), “On the Decentralization of Pareto Optima in Economies with Public Projects, Nonessential Private Goods and Convex Costs“, Economic Theory, 8, 555-564.
- Brink, R. van den, and R.P. Gilles (1996), “Axiomatizations of the Conjunctive Permission Value for Games with Permission Structures“, Games and Economic Behavior, 12, 113-126.
- Derks, J.J.M., and R.P. Gilles (1995), “Hierarchical Organization Structures and Constraints on Coalition Formation“, International Journal of Game Theory, 24, 147-163.
- Gilles, R.P., G. Owen and R. van den Brink (1992), “Games with Permission Structures: The Conjunctive Approach“, International Journal of Game Theory, 20, 277-293.
- Gilles, R.P., P.H.M. Ruys and J.L. Shou (1992), “Quasi-Networks in Social Relational Systems“, System Science and System Engineering, 1, 25-33.
- Gilles, R.P., and P.H.M. Ruys (1990), “Characterization of Economic Agents in Arbitrary Communication Structures“, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 8, 325-345.
Book chapters
- Gilles, R.P. (2022), “Building social networks under consent: A survey”, pp 203–258, in S. Borkotokey, R. Kumar, D. Mukherjee, K.S.M. Rao and S. Sarangi (editors), Game Theory and Networks: New Perspectives and Directions, Indian Statistical Institute Series, Springer Publishers, Singapore, ISBN 978-981-16-4737-6.
- Gilles, R.P. (2018), “Economic History and Economic Theory”, Chapter 5 in M. Blum and C. Colvin (eds.), An Economist’s Guide to Economic History, Palgrave-Macmillan, London, UK, ISBN 978-3-319-96568-0.
- Chakrabarti, S., and R.P. Gilles (2017), “ Partial Cooperation in Location Choice: Salop’s Model with Three Firms”, in D’Amato, E., L. Mallozzi and P.M. Pardalos (editors), Spatial Interaction Models: Facility Location Using Game Theory, Springer Publishers, Berlin, Germany, ISBN 978-3-319-52653-9.
- Gilles, R.P. (2006), “De netwerkende economie”, Aenorm, 53, 4-8. (In Dutch.)
- Gilles, R.P. (2003), “Netwerken, sociale rationaliteit en economische instituties”, in R. van den Brink and R.P. Gilles, (editors), Wiskundig Economische Perspectieven: Opstellen Aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. P.H.M. Ruys, Tilburg University Press, Tilburg. (In Dutch.)
- Johnson, C., and R.P. Gilles (2003), “Spatial Social Networks”, Chapter 4 in B. Dutta and M.O. Jackson, Networks and Groups: Models of Strategic Formation, Springer Verlag,New York, ISBN 3-540-43113-6 (pages 51-78).
- Gilles, R.P., and S. Scotchmer (1998), “Decentralization in Club Economies: How Multiple Private Goods Matter”, Chapter 5 in D. Pines, E. Sadka and I. Zilcha (editors), Topics in Public Economics: Theoretical and Applied Analysis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Diamantaras, D., R.P. Gilles and P.H.M. Ruys (1997), “Decentralization in Economies with Costly Trade: The Public Project Approach to Transaction Costs”, in L.A. Bokuts, S.S. Kutateladze, and M.M. Lawrentev (editors), Syberian Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Sobolov Institute of Mathematics, PAN, pages 306-315.
- Gilles R.P., and P.H.M. Ruys (1994), “Inherent Imperfections of Economic Organizations”, Chapter 1 in R.P. Gilles and P.H.M. Ruys (editors), Imperfections and Behavior in Economic Organizations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
- Gilles, R.P., H. Haller and P.H.M. Ruys (1994), “Modelling of Economies with Relational Constraints on Coalition Formation”, Chapter 5 in R.P. Gilles and P.H.M. Ruys (editors), Imperfections and Behavior in Economic Organizations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
- Brink, R. van den, and R.P. Gilles (1994), “An Axiomatic Power Index for Hierarchically Structured Populations of Economic Agents”, Chapter 12 in R.P. Gilles and P.H.M. Ruys (editors), Imperfections and Behavior in Economic Organizations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
Reviews and proceedings
- Gilles, R.P., E.A. Lazarova and P.H.M. Ruys (2006), “On Socio-Economic Roles and Specialization”, Economic Papers: Special Issue in Memory of Xiakai Yang: Inframarginal Economics — Special Issue in Memory of Xiakai Yang, 25(2), 157-170.
- Neel, J., J.H. Reed and R.P. Gilles (2004), “Game Models for Cognitive Radio Algorithm Analysis”, Proceedings of the SDR Forum’s Technical Conference, Phoenix, November 2004.
- Gilles, R.P., S. Chakrabarti, S. Sarangi and N. Badasyan (2004), “Middlemen in Peer-to-Peer Networks: Stability and Efficiency”, Proceedings of the Second Workshop on the Economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems, Harvard University, Cambridge, June 2004.
- Neel, J., J.H. Reed and R.P. Gilles (2004), “Convergence of Cognitive Radio Networks”, Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Atlanta, March 2004.
- Neel, J., J.H. Reed and R.P. Gilles (2002), “On the Role of Game Theory in the Analysis of Software Radio Networks”, Proceedings of the SDR Forum Conference, November 2002. (This paper received the ”Outstanding Paper Award” of the SDR Forum for “its contribution to the quantitative analysis of the interaction of a large number of radios in a network”.)
- Neel, J., M. Buehrer, J.H. Reed and R.P. Gilles (2002), “Game Theoretic Analysis of a Network of Cognitive Radios”, Proceedings of the Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Volume 3, August 2002, 409-412.
- Orden, D., and R.P. Gilles (2002), “The Merger of Two Economics Ph.D. Programs at Virginia Tech”, The American Journal of Agricultural Economics: Papers and Proceedings, 84(3), 307-313.
Online publications
- S. Chakrabarti, R.P. Gilles and L. Mallozzi (2024), “A Generalised λ-Core Concept for Normal Form Games”, arXiv:2408.06086 [cs.GT]
- Gilles, R.P., and L. Mallozzi (2022), “Generalised Gately Values of Cooperative Games”, arXiv:2208.10189 [econ.TH]
- Gilles, R.P. (2019), “Building social networks under consent: A survey”, arXiv:1910.11693v2 [econ.TH]
- Gilles, R.P. (2018), “The Core of an Economy with an Endogenous Social Division of Labour”, arXiv:1809.01470v1 [econ.TH]
- Sims, O., and R.P. Gilles (2016), “Middlemen and Contestation in Directed Networks”, arXiv:1612.08884v1 [cs.SI]
- Sims, O., and R.P. Gilles (2014), “Critical Nodes In Directed Networks”, arXiv:1401.0655v2 [cs.SI]
- Gilles, R.P., and D. Diamantaras (2013), “Platform Competition as Network Contestability”, arXiv:1310.3521v1 [cs.GT]